Products Not Showing In POS

  1. Make sure that you have created a jar for the product after intake. If you need to create a jar, go to the Products Page and click on the batch number for the product and then click “Add A Jar”.
  2. If a jar is created, make sure you have product in there. If there is 0 quantity in the jar or “inventory”, the product will not show up in the POS menus. To transfer inventory from the package/stock, go to the Products Page > click on the batch number > click on the “Options” button to the right of the jar details. Select “Adjust Jar” and click on “Take More Inventory From Package” then enter the amount you would like transferred to the jar.
  3. If there is product transferred to the Jar and the product is still missing from the POS menus, then check the patient details to make sure the patient details are inputted correctly. If you are in a medical only state, some items may not appear if the patients card details are entered incorrectly. Specifically check the effective date and expiration date. If you’re in OK, the effective date must be at least 2 years prior to the expiration date.
  4. If you have confirmed that the jar has product in it and the patients details are entered correctly, please submit a tech support ticket and we will respond as soon as we can.

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